Impredicative Junkyard
As a Cold War liberal, he ridiculed the pervasive denial of class tensions and, in a rare attempt at humorous wordplay, suggested that Americans were "rather more successful practitioners of materialism as a working creed than the Communists."
Niebuhr never changed the basic conception of Marxism that he arrived at in the late 1940s. Communism, he insisted over and over again, was a secularized Hebraic and Christian messianism with a "holy nation" in the Soviet Union. ©
Cold War Triumphalism, pg 32
And "... a country where it is now an art form to buy a book or see a film without giving your money t a global mega-corporation, something only marginally harder than finding a book or a film that does not insult your intelligence. The World Historical Process culminating [Fukuyama]in Rupert Murdoch, Dreamworks, and Disney?" - from the second essay in the same book, by Bruce Cummings, pg 88.
Всю ночь не спал, наполовину из-за приступов кашля, а остальное время - ...
[classified material]Зато купил кедровые дощечки от моли для стенных шкафов. Потом все перестирал, разложил по ящикам, сменил постельное белье, сварил кислые щи и съел две тарелки, под три рюмки, конечно. А потом пожарил оладьи с яблоками ... чай с лимоном.
Curtis White прав насчет
I like this movie principally because it has it both ways; it is both a fine representative of its type (a cowboy movie, a western) and a commentary on its type. ... Complexity. Rio is no simple avenging angel. He's a one-eyed Jack himself. It's not that he has a "dark side." This is not a movie about good and evil. He is complicit. ... This contradiction in Rio's character is never resolved. ... One-Eyed Jacks is left balanced on these multiple ironies. Is this a serious cowboy movie or a commentary on cowboy movies and their inane black hat/white hat ethics? ... What this movie achieves it achieves through self-awareness of conventional expectations ...
And, very appropriately,

- случайно взял в библиотеке. Smashing. Изумительные сцены в кабаре, не говоря уже обо всем остальном.
"The title comes from the North African tribe, the Rifs, who were in constant conflict. So it's all about melees and conflicts and fighting, out of which the novelist Auguste Le Breton made the word 'rififi.'"
Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of this entire sordid saga can be summed up in one question: How did a bizarre study claiming extraordinarily unlikely and apparently supernatural results end up in a peer-reviewed medical journal? ... as well as in in the New York Times:
On October 2, 2001, the New York Times reported that researchers at prestigious Columbia University Medical Center in New York had discovered something quite extraordinary (1). Using virtually foolproof scientific methods the researchers had demonstrated that infertile women who were prayed for by Christian prayer groups became pregnant twice as often as those who did not have people praying for them.

An occasional magazine issued on the Internet, pinc confronts political correctness, taboo subjects and latter-day shibboleths. Race, intelligence, feminism, postmodernism, higher education, speech codes and more. Predictably enough, in Volume 1, Number 1, January 1997 there's a review of "A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy" by Kevin MacDonald ... though there are enough reviews of his academic peers listed on
his web site
A site called says it tests "new, old and emergent memes that are either being flown as a trial balloon or are sweeping the memesphere, the mediasphere or the buzzsphere." ... follows popular hoaxes and myths about computer viruses that propagate on the Web. is a clearinghouse of urban legends. Here you can see whether various rumors are true or not. And
more ... for instance, this:

thing ...
дочитал "Виктор Вавич" Бориса Житкова ...
Рекомендованное чтение: Борис Житков: «Виктор Вавич». Роман. - сказано в статье
"О Константине и Дмитрии", с подзаголовком "Татьяна Толстая против экстремизма Крылова и Ольшанского" ...

господи, какая жуткая дрянь ...

- пропаганда ... беззастенчивая.
Теледебаты изнутри
Не ходите, девки, замуж
Ничего хорошего
Утром встанешь - сиськи набок
И пизда взъерошена
My advice to future bride:
Don"t get married, silly!
Morning comes - your boobs aside,
Snatch is rumpled illy...
... и так далее.
А вот
Природа, звонко пробуждаясь,
Теплом и радостью полна.
И громко солнцу улыбаясь,
Повисли дети из окна ...
многое другое
Москва. Вы честны и прямолинейны, любите искусство больших форм и считаете, что без вас любое мероприятие обречено на провал. Ваш любимый головной убор - кепка, любимое украшение - кольца. Несмотря на суетливость, вас очень любят друзья. У кого еще в любое время дня и ночи можно полакомиться икрой, намазанной на каравай, и до утра вести разговоры "за жизнь" на кухне?
Пройти тест "
Какой вы город".
"Casablanca" - хороший фильм, лучше, чем "The Maltese Falcon". Хотя некоторые товарищи придерживаются противоположной точки зрения ....
Ни у кого не хватает мужества признать правду и разговаривать друг с другом от лица самих себя - людей, сформированных советской историей. Историей, центральной фигурой которой - самой замалчиваемой, мифологизируемой и искажаемой - является не Ленин, Гитлер, Жуков, Горбачев или Сахаров, а Иосиф Сталин.
Невозможно гражданскую войну, продолжившуюся в 30-е уже внутри сообщества победителей 20-х, называть "сталинскими репрессиями" или "эпохой большого террора" - это убийственный самообман, отсылающий скорее к 60-м и 80-м, чем к 30-м. Невозможно называть Сталина "диктатором", "отцом народов", "вождем мирового пролетариата" и т.п. оценочными эпитетами. Невозможно до посинения выяснять, кто на кого напал - СССР на Германию или Германия на СССР. Невозможно жить, заклеивая одни ярлыки другими и ничего не объясняя по сути.
Гефтер решительно взламывает одно из главных табу, сохранившихся даже в современном сознании практически нетронутым со времен 20-го съезда - табу на нейтральную оценку Сталина. Его Сталин - "не грузинская шпана, ворвавшаяся в храм Серебряного века", а первый номер списка творцов мировой истории конца тысячелетия.
Новый историзм
Jews must own up to their privilege in America, and use it more wisely. oh my

... Also see tons of comments at the bottom ... do they really believe this to be a spontaneous, not choreographed event i wonder
To be Jewish is to have the right to move seamlessly between the majority and minority, without constraint.
Also serach for the fifth comment by Franзois Costes ...
And, conveniently,
"Dissent and anti-semitism" (Intimidation at Columbia University). Search on Google brings
the personal site of Mona Baker, Editor of The Translator and Editorial Director of St. Jerome Publishing. Also
Informed Comment site by Juan Cole.
и снова
Curtis White:
Shklovsky wrote, "And so, in order to return sensation to our limbs, in order to make us feel objects, to make a stone feel stony, man has been given the tool of art."
кино тоже интересно. Все правильно ...
And here he is - again?!?! -
Deciphering the success of 'The Da Vinci Code
... with a little help from the folks in Clark County, Ohio, you might help decide who takes up residence in the White House next month.
Oliver Burkeman explains how
Dear Limey assholes
Have you not noticed that Americans don't give two shits what Europeans think of us? Each email someone gets from some arrogant Brit telling us why to NOT vote for George Bush is going to backfire, you stupid, yellow-toothed pansies ... Wading River, NY
Consider this: stay out of American electoral politics. Unless you would like a company of US Navy Seals - Republican to a man - to descend upon the offices of the Guardian, bag the lot of you, and transport you to Guantanamo Bay, where you can share quarters with some lonely Taliban shepherd boys. ... Springfield, Ohio
Real Americans aren't interested in your pansy-ass, tea-sipping opinions. If you want to save the world, begin with your own worthless corner of it.
Texas, USA ...
Будущее записано в любом тексте, надо только правильно читать
Из великих писателей прошлого на ум приходит Достоевский, который в романе "Бесы" приводит странные стихи капитана Лебядкина:
Жил на свете таракан,
Таракан от детства,
И потом попал в стакан,
Полный мухоедства...
Место занял таракан,
Мухи возроптали.
"Полон очень наш стакан", -
К Юпитеру закричали.
Но пока у них шел крик,
Подошел Никифор,
Бла-го-роднейший старик...
Попробуем разобраться. Согласно Этимологическому словарю русского языка Фасмера, слово "таракан" происходит от чувашского Tar-aqan - "беглец"! Другие исследователи, согласно тому же словарю, считают его происходящим от тюркского Tarkan - "сановник". Очевидно, речь идет о В.И. Ульянове-Ленине, убежавшем в Женеву от преследований царского правительства, сыне довольно крупного сановника - статского советника И.Н. Ульянова! Сразу понятно, что "попал в стакан" - намек на пребывание Ульянова в компании вечно переругивавшихся эмигрантов ("полный мухоедства"). Дальше тоже несложно. Верховный бог Юпитер - это, конечно, Маркс, а "Никифор" (в переводе "Победоносный") - победоносная Октябрьская (Ноябрьская) революция.
Наконец-то в Петербурге открылся Институт Благородных Девиц Легкого Поведения.

- очень даже ничего, по книге
Dashiell Hammett ... Особенно в конце интересно. Ну и снято здорово.
Главный Деконструктор ...
Deconstructing Jacques
Richard Dawkins, scientist:
My thoughts are contained in my book, A Devil's Chaplain, published by Weidenfeld, in the chapter called "Postmodernism disrobed".
And, obviously,
Деррида - священная корова современной гуманитарной тусовки
And more:
What deconstruction and its postmodern allies, in theory, actually do is abandon standards of judgment, describing these as tools of snobbery and exclusion, and thereby making it a criterion of excellence that a work's author (his or her intentions, of course, aside) has an appropriate gender, ethnicity, or geographical origin. - by
AC Grayling
тут - обсуждение, с разборкой вплоть до
And if for some he wasn’t Jewish enough, other deemed him too Jewish.
If there is one issue that has Russian and American men at opposite poles, it’s the issue of Clarity. American men like clarity. They seem to have a very clear picture of what they want, and they are perfectly happy to Talk About Our Relationship.
Russian men are at the other end of the universe. They hate clarity. As far as I have been able to determine, they only feel psychologically comfortable in a atmosphere of total uncertainty. It’s not that they don’t want to commit, they’re not even ready to commit to a conversation about commitment: they want to keep all their options open.
The Grass Is Greener
Always choose death, for if you do not, death will come anyway, later, multiplied.
And from my favorite,
The Middle Mind:
The Middle Mind is liberal. It wants to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and has even bought an SUV with the intent of visiting it.
Ortega y Gasset noticed the collapse of high standards in the arts and humanities as a result of intellectuals being compelled to adjust themselves to the low tastes of the masses. So, in spurious Marxist terms, did the Frankfurt School people.
When i try, however, to point out the most dangerous characteristic of modernity, I tend to sum up my fear in one phrase: the disappearance of taboos.
Leszek Kolakowski, pp.
"Modernity on endless Trial",11-13.
а "Водитель для Веры" - высокого качества
опиум для народа.
School of Flesh - very good.
A factor that undoubdetly contributed to tension, over and above anti-converso feeling, was the conversos' own sense of separate identity. Already a powerful minority by the mid-fifteenth century, conversos were secure of their social position and proud to be both Christians and of Jewish descent.
They did not, as is sometimes thought, attemt to disguise their origins. They were, as many of their own writers admit clearly, a
nation. They had their own identity, and took pride in it. Andres Bernaldez reported that 'they entertained the arrogant claim that there was no better people in the world than they'.
Alonso de Palencia reported complaints by Old Christians that the conversos acted as 'the nation apart, and nowhere would they agree to act together with the Old Christians; indeed, as though they were people of totally opposed ideas, they openly and brazenly favored whatever was contrary to the Old Christians ...'
Implicit in the converso attitude was the claim that they were even
better than Old Christians, because together with Christian faith they combined direct descent from the lineage (
linaje) of Christ. It was said that Alonso de Cartagena when he recited the Hail Mary used to end with the words, 'Holy Mary, Mother of God and my blood-relative, pray for us'.
"The Spanish Inquisition: A Historical Revision"
by Henry Kamen. Page 42.
The great danger, the inquisitor went on, was that the greater part of the population of Spain would soon be branded as impure, and the only remaining guarantee of Old Christian blood would be one's plebeian origin.
Ibid. pg 250.
No new universities were founded in Castile between 1620 and the nineteenth century.
As in all periods of economic recession, preference went to 'useful' rather than speculative studies ...
Ibid. pg 318 [italics mine, vs]
Butterflies and Wheels has been established in order to oppose a number of related phenomena. These include:
- Pseudoscience that is ideologically and politically motivated.
- Epistemic relativism in the humanities (for example, the idea that statements are only true or false relative to particular cultures, discourses or language-games).
- Those disciplines or schools of thought whose truth claims are prompted by the political, ideological and moral commitments of their adherents, and the general tendency to judge the veracity of claims about the world in terms of such commitments.
endless fun, as well as
Saving Private Ryan: Don't try to do no thinkin'!, and
Neither Aryan Nor Jew site, and
The Middle Mind and
Urban legends, obviously ... oh my
Наконец они добрались до их речки. Божья коровка вызвалась быть крестной матерью, а ежик крестным отцом. Они погрузили белочку в воду, прочитали необходимые молитвы, но когда дочитали их, увидели, что белочка уже не дышит. Она захлебнулась!
— Ничего! — махнул лапкой ежик. — Слава Богу!
— Да, — согласилась Божья коровка. — Ведь она умерла православной. Слава Богу!
— Слава Богу! — подхватили вокруг все листья, цветы, птицы, жучки, звери и черненькие козявочки.
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