Impredicative Junkyard
... from Theodor Adorno’s “Minima Moralia”:
“Its archetype is the handsome dinner-jacketed figure returning late to his bachelor flat, switching on the indirect lighting and mixing himself a whisky and soda [read cognac here, though I drink it neat – vs] … In fact, it is past violence against himself. If all pleasure has, preserved within it, earlier pain, then here pain, as pride in bearing it, is raised directly, untransformed, as a stereotype, to pleasure: unlike wine, each glass of whisky, each inhalation of cigar smoke, still recalls the repugnance that it cost the organism to become attuned to such strong stimuli, and this alone is registered as pleasure. He-men are thus, in their own constitution, what film-plots usually presented them to be, masochists.”
The New Formalist - look for
Barney McClelland poetry there ...
And what's
this - is not exactly clear.
Если судьба тебе не благоприятствует - загляни в себя. © Oliver Goldsmith
Любовь зла, полюбишь и козла - Russian proverb for Jennifer.
И снова два удивительных совпадения: transubstantiation у Dawkins'a - на следующий день в передаче по NPR ... и контрапункт в разговоре с Риткой и тут же на странице в книге ...
Геласимова Книга довольно средняя, по смыслу - между "Бананом" и Трифоновым ... но гораздо слабее и того, и другого.
This is what they call unbiased coverage in New York Daily News ...
The Wall Street Journal 1,783,532
USA Today 1,675,091
The New York Times 1,071,120
Los Angeles Times 1,029,073
The Washington Post 789,198
Daily News, New York 734,277
That's as of '97 ... It's a free country, so Daily News, New York can quote the professors of Columbia it does not like, and print their names for the readers to follow-up
"Чем больше становится писателей, тем более вялым и равнодушным делается читатель." - сказал Оливер Голдсмит в XVIII веке ...
Бальтуса на сети появилась тонна. Раньше не найти было. Не могу удержаться, соберу маленькую коллекцию.
а последняя - и не Бальтус вовсе

А кто?
Итак, началась ретроспектива Кубрика: "Killer's Kiss." - супер, при всей очевидности (на первый взгляд) сюжета - тонна деталей и подробностей, абсолютно точные съемки Нью-Йорка, спонтанные, натуральные.
Сцена драки на складе с манекенами - просто выше всякой критики, драка бестолковая, как и должно быть. Не говоря уже о том, что прически у всех потрепаны и лица побиты :)
Ну и, самое главное - так и не ясно ничего про тетеньку :)
"Лолиту" пришлось выключить ... ни она, ни он не годятся. Только мамаша подходит.
"Full Metal Jacket" - супер.
Death of an Altruist - amazing. Definitely worth translating ... Вот
Schwartz еще. Странно, это почти все, что я нашел на сети, им написанное ...
"I have a four-year-old daughter and was very, very interested watching her face when she was in her first 2 or 3 weeks of life and suddenly realising what nobody would have realised in previous ages—she was rebooting!" -
Lament for Duglas by
Richard Dawkins ...
"I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by ..." - also by Douglas Adams.
and "Signatories including Oxford professors Colin Blakemore and
Richard Dawkins say they "can no longer in good conscience continue to cooperate with official Israeli institutions, including universities"." ...
Open letter to Richard Dawkins ...
What if...Israel was in Uganda? ...
And, finally,
Agnostic conciliation, which is the decent liberal bending over backward to concede as much as possible to anybody who shouts loud enough ...
The World of Richard Dawkins
Один из столпов психоанализа, Эрих Фромм, легко интерпретировал сказку про Красную Шапочку: это конфронтация юношеской и взрослой сексуальности.
Собственно "красная шапочка", предмет одежды - по его мнению, символ менструации. Бутылка у девочки - символ девственности, поэтому мама девочку предупреждает не уходить с тропинки в лес, где бутылка может разбиться.
Волк - озверелое мужское начало Два камня, которые охотник, освободивший девочку, кладет волку в живот, олицетворяют стерилизацию, наказание за нарушение сексуального табу.
Проблема в том, что сказка "Красная шапочка" - старинная (народная) французская сказка. Братья Гримм услышали ее, вместе с "Котом в сапогах", "Синей бородой" и другими сказками, от Жанетты Нассенфлюг, соседки и приятельницы.
Жанетта, в свою очередь, узнала ее от матери, которая принадлежала к семье французских гугенотов, эмигрировавших в Германию от религиозных преследований Людовика XIV. Семья Жанетты, однако, узнала эти сказки из книг Шарля Перро: в конце XVII века народные сказки были в моде среди французской аристократии.
Перро эти сказки сам, конечно, не выдумал. Он слышал их, вероятнее всего, от своей няни. Перро сильно изменил сказки, чтобы сделать их привлекательными для утонченных посетителей придворных салонов.
Так или иначе, фольклорист Роберт Дарнтон, который много работал с архивами, приводит тексты "Красной Шапочки" в их первоначальном виде, в котором их рассказывали французские крестьяне. В этих текстах красной шапочки нет вообще (как предмета одежды). Нет и бутылки.
Что касается камней, положенных охотником в живот волка, то охотника там тоже нет. Волк девочку просто с удовольствием съедает, на чем сказка и заканчивается.
Что же интерпретировал Фромм? А вот и сам
Robert Darnton. И
тут тоже.
If freedom of press means New York Post - i am for total censorship.
Все хотят свободы слова. Получив ее, быстро обнаруживают, что сказать нечего ... либо некому слушать. И тоскуют по цензуре.
National Starbucks Radio ... а что толку ...
"Clockwork Orange" ... смотрел первый раз как только приехал, без субтитров, ничего не понимал ... оказался очень правильный.
И что удивительно, Бетховен - наверное единственный оптимист, который мне сильно нравится ... и вот тебе пожалуйста. Умен был Burgess ...

Не зря Бетховена Ильич любил ... и Шиллер, со своим "насекомым - сладострастье" попал и в Presto, и в "Братья Карамазовы".
Morning Edition, November 11, 2004 ·
Host Renee Montagne speaks with General Richard Myers, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Myers gives us his take on the meaning of Veteran's Day to troops in the field, the situation in Fallujah and the possibility of the Marines finding Sarin gas.
and next day:
Update: Troops' Discovery Found Not to Be Sarin Gas.
Coalition troops also found seven weapons caches and a suitcase full of vials labelled Sarin in a single block around a mosque in the northeastern section of the city.
While further analysis determined the find was probably part of a Soviet test kit with samples, the discovery of the deadly nerve gas in a room with mortar shells appeared to indicate an intent to weaponize the material. ©
National Post
The interest of the US in the Caucasus is control over oil supplies from the Caspian Sea, which involves securing compliant regimes in the southern Caucasus, including Azerbaijan, where the oil is extracted, and Georgia, through which the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline will pass. - из
Western Attacks On Putin And Russia: A Response
Замечательный фильм, все верно, соответствует книге. Интересно поговорить с кем-то, кто видел фильм, но книгу не читал. Мне кажется, не очень легко понять, что происходит, разве что ближе к концу. Читавшим книгу легче.
Here's what
Richard Keller Simon says (mostly about the novel, but at the end he mentiones the movie):
Two of the episodes of the plot that cannot, however, the whorehouse visit and the cock fight, would never have appeared in the movies of the period since both were expressly forbidden by the Motion Picture Production Code of l930, which provided censorship of anything that would have been seen to encourage immoral behavior. "Brothels and houses of ill-fame . . . are not proper locations for drama," the code explained. "They suggest to the average person at once sex sin, or they excite an unwholesome and morbid curiosity in the minds of youth." More broadly, the code argued that "Correct entertainment raises the whole standard of a nation. Wrong entertainment lowers the whole living condition and moral ideals of the race. Note, for example, the healthy reactions to healthful moral sports like baseball, golf; the unhealthy reactions to sports like cockfighting."
Thus in the movies, the cowboy hero is quiet but smart, and he gets the girl and wins his fights, but in the novel, Earl is quiet and dumb, and he loses the girls and his fights, even the one with the midget. In the movies, the Mexican sidekick is dominated by the cowboy and helps him out when he gets in trouble, but in the novel, the Mexican sidekick hurts the cowboy and comes to get the upper hand over him, even stealing his girl. In the movies, the girl is sexy but good, going off with the cowboy hero at the end, but in the novel she is sexy and bad, disappearing at the end under morally ambiguous circumstances. In the movies the child star is adorable, but in the novel Adore Loomis is irritating and unnatural, and Homer, who represents the movie audience, is provoked to attack him. In the movies, the comedian is genuinely funny and as played by W. C. Fields, a lovable con artist, to whom no real injury can come, but in the novel, the comedian is no longer funny, and actually dies. In the movies, the gangster is pugnacious, tough, menacing but in the novel, as a dwarf, he is pugnacious and ludicrous. In the movies, the Hollywood executive is a powerful, smart, and compassionate dandy, but in the novel he is a dried up, silly, and foolish old man who goes to whorehouses to watch movies.
and so on ...
A call or two to the Department of Education produced quick action: pulp the 300,000 copies of the 57-page booklet still on the shelves (some 61,000 were already in the hands of parents) and then reprint 300,000 after deleting a few lines that Ms. Cheney found unacceptable.
How stupid and inept the Russian Communists were in 1970's can bee clearly seen by the fact that with all their struggle to promote the socialist realism art and to fight Western modernism, abstractionism in the first place, they never bothered to translate
The Painted Word, where on pg. 22 dear TOM WOLFE says "I am not like them, those Jaycees, those United Fund Chairmen, those Young Presidents, those mindless New York A.C.
goyiesheh (sic!) hog-jowled, stripe-tied goddamn-good-to-see-you-you-old-bastard-you oyster bar trenchmen ..." [italics in the original - vsopvs]
And take a look at the title of Chapter 5
ну и, раз уж поехали с картинками ...
Bored people, unless they sleep a lot, are cruel. Renata Adler
ну и, конечно Harper's Renata Adler Spectacle ... с множеством книг на amazon ... и обзоров на Rotten Tomatoes
Today's cultural product is reduced to answering only for its amusement potential. What it "means" must be able to be expressed in a line or two, if it means anything. The Clancy or King novels, or most network TV, are all reductive worlds of robotic behavior. ... Tom Cruise, a Scientologist (not coincidentally) is the perfect blank slate, the empty vessel. From Robert Mitchum or Bogart to Cruise and Hanks. From pain and struggle to sentimentality and blankness. -
Cultural Entropy by John Steppling. И его же
The Debacle At The Hague, where he says:
I remember CNN full of the odious Christiane Amanpour (not coincidently the wife of Albright's errand boy Jamie Rubin, who also not coincidently was Wesley Clark's assistant during Clark's closed door testimony -- a hearing that even Milosevic's legal associates were not permitted to attend) blathering on about how important a trial this was, how international justice was on the threshold of a great breakthrough, yada yada yada.... учитывая, что он
is a LA playwright (Rockefeller fellow, NEA recipient, and PEN-West winner) and screenwriter (most recent was Animal Factory directed by Steve Buscemi). He is currently living in Poland where he teaches at the National Film School in Lodz. ...
:crit: :media:
"Evil is a knot," Elshtain said. "The rope represents good, and the knot seeks to destroy the rope. But the knot does not exist without the rope."
From 'Harry Potter and the Problem of Evil', a
lecture by Jean Bethke Elshtain ...
The researchers found that success came from expansive “dominant male” gestures towards fellow men. It is bad news, however, for more diffident men who keep their arms folded or shift politely to allow others to sit down — they betray their inferior place in the pecking order and probably wreck their chances of chatting up females. - obvious, ain't it?
Zizek strikes again
: "Those old enough still remember the boring attempts of “democratic socialists” to oppose the miserable “really-existing socialism” by holding up the vision of authentic socialism. To such attempts, the standard Hegelian answer provides the sufficient response:
The failure of reality to live up to its notion bears witness to the inherent weakness of the notion itself.

this time on "The Liberal Waterloo (Or, finally some good news from Washington!)"
Also mentioning " ... literary bestsellers of U.S. Christian fundamentalism, Tim F. LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins’s “Left Behind” series of 12 novels on the upcoming end of the world that have sold more than 60 million copies." in this context: "Many Europeans wonder how Bush could have won, with the intellectual and pop-cultural elite against him. They must now finally confront the underrated mobilizing power of American Christian fundamentalism. Because of its self-evident imbecility, it is a much more paradoxical, properly postmodern phenomenon than it appears."
“Left Behind” series got amazing 1997 customer reviews on Amazon - which is fun to read, no less than reviewed material itself

See also: "The Apocalypse Will Be Televised. Armageddon in an age of entertainment." By in November, 2004
Gene Lyons in
Harper's Magazine
купил две пары джинсов в GAP, еды всякой, в библиотеку - Dawkins
"a devil's chaplain" для меня там был приготовлен, погладил две пары брюк, приготовил ребра в духовке, Оська пришел, потом оладьи с яблоками сделал, капуччино, потом еще мороженое купили - смотрели "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"

- неожиданно хороший оказался. Дочитал первую главу в
Cold War Triumphalism - "Moral Judgements and the Cold War", Leo P. Ribuffo ... "fractal geometry of terror". Страницы 62-70 стоит читать всем.
Violence, and the celebration of violent heroes, are deeply ingrained in the American tradition. A colleague in graduate school, a French Canadian, once told me that he found the narrative of American history so compelling because it seemed to be the celebration of one bloody war after another, a nation founded on ritual bloodletting. ...
The American celebration of violence, at least, celebrates the hero who uses extreme violence to destroy, in rhetoric used continuously by the current President, as "the evil-doers". ...
Meanwhile, horror films full of hellbillys often do a disservice by erasing the historical context for southern violence and instead attempting, consciously, to act as metaphors for a perceived war between civilization and nature.
просто хоть все подряд цитируй ... Еще он пишет
стихи и
обзоры книг на
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